Friday, January 29, 2010

Material Generators

Material generators help teachers and students to produce instructional materials. Desktop publishing software is one form of material generators. It is a system which uses a personal computer or workstation to produce high quality printed documents.

Desktop publishing allows the use of different typefaces, specific various margins and justifications, and insert illustrations and graphs directly into the text. The most popular desktop publishing system allows to create illustrations, while less powerful systems allows to insert illustrations created by other programs.

An important feature of desktop publishing systems is that it enables one to see on the display screen exactly how the document will appear when printed. Systems that support this feature are called WYSUWYGs (what you see is what you get).

Desktop Publishing software is used in the classroom to make letter head, flyers and posters, brochures, newsletter and magazines, books and booklets. It has become quite valuable in the area of teaching. It helps in communication, grammar and spelling by creating class newspaper or flyers. Brochure style research reports can help increase student motivation. Most importantly is that it encourages student creativity early by getting them "published" at a young age.

Examples of desktop publishing are PageMaker, QuarkXpress and MS Publisher.

Attached is a link about MS Publisher and how it can be used in the classroom.